Golden Jackpot, renowned for its thrilling lottery draws, has once again captivated participants worldwide with its March 2024 results chart. This eagerly awaited chart unveils the latest winners and prize distributions, offering insights into the fortunes of players across the globe.
The Golden Jackpot March 2024 Results Chart stands as a testament to the excitement and anticipation surrounding each draw. Compiled meticulously by experts, this chart serves as a comprehensive record of the March 2024 lottery outcomes. It encompasses a detailed breakdown of winners, prize amounts, and additional statistics, providing enthusiasts with a wealth of information.
DATE | 11:45 AM | 2:00 PM | 5:45 PM |
31.03.2024 | 657 | 820 | 396 |
30.03.2024 | 030 | 219 | 723 |
29.03.2024 | 266 | 030 | 858 |
28.03.2024 | 048 | 268 | 141 |
27.03.2024 | 773 | 339 | 291 |
26.03.2024 | 064 | 026 | 198 |
25.03.2024 | 250 | 584 | 457 |
24.03.2024 | 663 | 220 | 132 |
23.03.2024 | 566 | 247 | 735 |
22.03.2024 | 655 | 202 | 613 |
21.03.2024 | 389 | 718 | 025 |
20.03.2024 | 820 | 653 | 292 |
19.03.2024 | 519 | 052 | 295 |
18.03.2024 | 544 | 767 | 199 |
17.03.2024 | 695 | 217 | *** |
16.03.2024 | 810 | 610 | 196 |
15.03.2024 | 815 | 970 | 582 |
14.03.2024 | 566 | 148 | 174 |
13.03.2024 | 653 | 790 | 416 |
12.03.2024 | 653 | 800 | 559 |
11.03.2024 | 651 | 161 | 286 |
10.03.2024 | 036 | 651 | 106 |
09.03.2024 | 036 | 477 | 898 |
08.03.2024 | 566 | 588 | 659 |
07.03.2024 | 607 | 064 | 557 |
06.03.2024 | 335 | 633 | 054 |
05.03.2024 | 405 | 943 | 269 |
04.03.2024 | 888 | 566 | 250 |
03.03.2024 | 657 | 188 | 154 |
02.03.2024 | 348 | 619 | 554 |
01.03.2024 | 964 | 970 | 350 |
The Golden Jackpot March 2024 Results Chart stands as a testament to the excitement and anticipation surrounding each draw. As participants eagerly await the next opportunity to test their luck, the insights gleaned from this chart serve as invaluable guides for navigating the dynamic world of lottery gaming.